Monday, May 11, 2009

Restraining Order Against satan

We must realize that the words that come out of our mouth, can either condemn us, or set us free. When we pray we must say!!!!!!!!!!!Just quoting scriptures aloud, can help us in our everyday life. Our tongue or our words can be a weapon, for good, or for evil. They can heal us, or they can bring us pain and sickness. So we must watch what we say. If we could learn how to speak over something and believe what we speak anything would be possible. If we have faith we can speak and move mountains or situations in our lives. We can speak a restraining order against Satan and he has to leave us alone, as long as we have the faith. And don't end up speaking something to let him back in.
Satan brings; sickness, poverty, fear, doubt, and unbelief, against us so we must be prepared with the Word of God and Faith in God and faith in ourselves through Christ. So we must get in the Word and stay in the Word, we need to practice speaking our prayers, and just speaking over everything in our lives. So every morning when you get up speak a restraining order against Satan, and he will flee from us.

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